PYLOT is applicable for five different types of vegetables, such as sweet peppers. The system provides you with crop-specific data and features. After all, every crop is different. This means that you can focus in great detail on each crop individually while maintaining a clear overview of all your crops within one and the same platform.

Grip on Sweet Peppers
PYLOT & Sweet peppers
PYLOT & Sweet Peppers
Is PYLOT a dashboard for you?
Grip on Sweet Peppers
PYLOT can be tailored specifically to the cultivation of sweet peppers. It offers features such as crop registration and plant measurements specifically developed for sweet peppers. A unique sweet pepper forecasting model is currently being developed that can be used to predict yield via digital twin models.

Experience the power of PYLOT specifically for your sweet pepper cultivation, our specialists are like to make time for you.
ContactWith PYLOT you can grow as a pepper grower and/or entrepreneur
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